Donate to JCSF

Support your local Temple. Donate Generously !

Donation Benefits:

Devotees who offer donations are enlightened spiritually and they will gain spiritual power. In our wall of life we go to Hospitals, clinics to cure our diseases/illness, Temples are spiritual clinics where it cleans our karmas and takes us closer to nirvana.
Our local Jain Center of South Florida – JCSF is an excellent place for us to Donate and give back to our community and ensure that our Jain Way of Life is passed on to our future generations. JCSF is a section 501(c)(3), Non-Profit Organization and all your Donations are Tax Deductible.
We request you to consider making Donations to JCSF to continue to maintain temple and run programs that are conducted for the benefit of our Jain community.
Here are the donation categories:
Become a JCSF Member:
Become a Benefactor, and Patron, Donor and become a part of the JCSF family. Paid Members helps strengthen the foundation of our Jain Center, help supports all our activities and have a voice in our major decisions.
Your generous tax-deductible donation will enable JCSF to support and carry out various activities such as the ones listed below:
General Funds: To support daily, weekly and yearly activities at JCSF Temple. This will help us in spreading our Jain Way of Life in our community and benefit our future generations.
Building Maintenance:
The most distinctive and unique feature of the JCSF Temple is the manner in which it has managed to unite the diverse traditions of the Jain faith under one building, with each tradition having their own worshipping space, to preserve their unique tradition and identity, in order to foster greater harmony and unity among all its members. We request you to support the ongoing needs of the Temple building to maintain and improve the facilities of the Temple. Additionally, we are taking one step closer to outgrow our Temple, this fund will also provide opportunities for the new Temple construction to accommodate our growing community and meet our needs.
Mahavir Jayanti:
Each year, JCSF organizes an annual cultural program to celebrate Mahavir Bhagwan Janma Kalyanak in which Jain and other families from around the Tri-county area attend to celebrate the religious festivities. We request you to support this tradition of festival celebrations to foster and teach the preaching of Bhagwan Mahavir.
Food Sponsorship:
Sponsoring Bhojanshala for a day is only $400, remaining portion will be contributed by JCSF. Your Sponsorship will help us to conduct Bhojanshala activities at JCSF. Some of the occasions that you can Sponsor are Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, Punya Tithis for any relative or any other occasion that you would like to share with our Jain Community. Full food sponsorships are also available, please contact any member of Executive Committee or Board of Directors for more information.
Student Pathshala:
Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. Children are naturally curious and by teaching them about our religion, we are giving them the information they seek and filling the gap in their knowledge. We request you to support this cause for benefit of our future generations.
Paryushan & Das Laskshan:
Every year JCSF celebrates Paryushan Maha Parv and Das Lakshana. It is one of the most holy days for Jains. We request your support to celebrate this event with our fellow members and spread the word of Jainism.
Pooja Sponsorship:
Sponsor a Pooja such as snatra puja, vidhan to foster and encourage fellow members towards our religion and take dharma labh.
Scholars Lecture Programs:
JCSF periodically organizes Scholars Lecture sessions by renowned Sadhus, Sadhvi’s, and Jain Scholars. This gives an excellent opportunity to have questions about Jainism answered by learned scholars.
Jivdaya (Animal Compassion):
Following the principle of ‘Live & Let Live”, Non-Violence and Ahimsa are promoted. From generous donations of fellow Jains, animals in various Panjarapoles in India and USA are provided with food, shelter, medical needs and thousands of animals are saved from slaughter houses.
Please donate generously and contact any member of Executive Committee or Board of Directors if you have any questions.

JCSF Zelle Instructions

Use your Bank mobile bank application or use bank website
Please put donation category & details in notes.


Pay by Check Instructions

Check Payable to:

Jain Center of South Florida (JCSF)

Mail to: Jain Center of South Florida
1960 N. Commerce Parkway #11, Weston, FL 33326

Please include donation category & details on additional paper. Do not staple with check.


Donation Categories:

Please put the category in notes when making donations

  • Become a JCSF Member  
  • Building Maintenance
  • Mahavir Jayanti
  • Food Sponsorship
  • Student Pathshala
  • Paryushan & Das Laskshan
  • Pooja Sponsorship
  • Scholars Lecture Programs
  • Jivdaya (Animal Compassion)
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